For another simple pear dish, see also our recipe for pears in sweet wine.
Basic ingredients:
6 pears
150g sugar

1/2 litre of red wine
1 cinnamon stick
300ml water
1. Place the pears in boiling water for 2 - 3 mins then remove from the water and place under the cold tap
2. When the pears are suffiently cooled remove the peel
3. Meanwhile put the sugar, wine, water and cinnamon stick in a pan over a medium heat when it starts to boil add the pears and simmer slowly until the pears become soft
4. When the pears have softened remove them from the liquid and place them in a glass bowl
5. Leave the liquid simmering a bit longer until it reduces then pour over the pears
6. Can be served warm or cooled in the fridge
(Churros are like long donuts and "churros con chocolate" is a favourite Sunday breakfast for many Spaniards).
Basic ingredients:
250ml water
50ml sunflower oil
1/2 tsp salt
200g flour
115g dark chocolate
1 litre milk
1 tbsp cornflour
4 tbsp sugar
caster sugar
oil for deep frying
1. Put the water (250ml), oil, and salt in a heavy pan and bring to the boil
2. Tur

3. Heat the oil for deep frying until very hot
4. Using a icing syringe, pipe thick strips into the oil and fry until golden brown (if you haven't got one, see Tips below)
5. Place on a plate and sprinkle with the caster sugar
6. For the chocolate sauce place the chocolate and half the milk in a pan and heat
7. Dissolve the cornflour in the rest of the milk and mix into the chocolate together with the sugar
8. Continue heating the mixture on a low heat stirring constantly
9. Once the mixture has thickened remove from the heat and whisk until really smooth and serve with the warm churros (donuts)
This popular Catalan cold custard recipe with a crispy caramel coating is surprisingly easy to make.

6 egg yolks
200g sugar
3/4 litre milk
1 cinnamon stick
1 piece of lemon peel
3 tbsp corn flour
1. Beat the egg yolks until light then whisk in 150g of the sugar
2. Place the milk in a saucepan together with the cinnamon and lemon peel - bring to the boil and then remove from the heat and strain.
3. Whisk the milk with the egg mixture
4. Dissolve the cornflour with a little milk and whisk into the mixture
5. Place the mixture over a low heat and cook, stirring constantly until it begins to boil
6. Put the custard into a pudding bowl or smaller individual bowls and allow to cool before placing in the fridge
7. Before serving sprinkle a little sugar on top and caramelize it by placing under a hot grill briefly until the sugar melts and turns brown
Natillas is a traditional Spanish dessert and is similar to cold custard, but creamier and with a hint of cinammon. Most Spanish restaurants offer natillas in their list of home-made dessert . This is an easy recipe for Spanish natillas which just takes about 30 minutes to do.
Basic ingredients
8 egg yolks

1 litre milk
200 gr. Sugar
1 dessert spoon cornflour
1 stick of cinammon
Powdered cinammon
1. Put the milk in a saucepan with the cinammon stick and heat. Save a small glass of cold milk.
2. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar. Dissolve the cornflour in the cold milk, stir well and then add to the eggs and sugar.
3. When the milk is starting to boil, remove the cinammon stick and add the mixture of flour, milk, eggs and sugar. Stir well over the heat until the custard thickens. Don't boil.
4. Put the natillas into individual bowls or dessert glasses. Sprinkle with a little cinammon powder.
2 comentarios:
¡Con estas recetas... todos podemos ser grandes cocineros! ¡Qué pinta tiene todo!
¡Que buena cocina hay en España y que fáciles de realizar! Animo a todos a que prueben alguna de ellas y se alegrará de los resultados. Ana dire
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